Commission on the Status of Women 63

The sixty-third session of the Commission on the Status of Women is being held from March 11th to 22nd 2019, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The focus this year is on ‘Social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls’.

DAWN will participate in several activities to present on key aspects of this theme. Executive members Gita Sen, Corina Rodríguez, María Graciela Cuervo and Cai Yiping will be involved in the discussions as speakers and moderators.

Find below the details for each activity.

Monday, March 11

Gender mainstreaming at the national/local levels in the Asia-Pacific region in the era of SDGs, focusing on the global #MeToo movement

10:30 AM | Aqua Room (4W 43rd Street)

Korea Women’s Associations United (KWAU)

DAWN speaker: Cai Yiping – reimagine the movement: feminist learning and reflection on# MeToo in China

Women’s Social Protection in LAC- a view from Civil Society

12:30 – 2:00 PM |Armenian Convention Center, Room Vartan Hall


DAWN speaker: Corina Rodríguez Enriquez – privatization of social security in LAC as well as challenges of private sector

participation in social infrastructure projects.

Social Protection in a Privatized World: Gendered Impacts and Feminist Solutions

2:30 PM |Salvation Army, Auditorium


Join us for a screening of short films, followed by an interactive panel discussion among the filmmakers, feminist economists

and the audience that will highlight the ongoing privatization and corporate capture of social protections systems and undermine

of the primacy of human rights.

Reclaiming Public Policies for Gender Justice: An Intergenerational Feminist Dialogue

2:30 PM |Church Center of the United Nations, 10 th Floor

ActionAid International, Public Services International

DAWN speaker: Corina Rodríguez Enriquez – feminist conceptual approach to privatization on social security.

Tuesday, March 12

Social Protection for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women: Proposals towards adequate financing

1:15 – 2:30 PM | UN Headquarters, Room 12

Government of the Dominican Republic, the Nordic Council and the Government of Uruguay,

and co-sponsored by UN Women, ILO and UNDP

DAWN speaker:

 Corina Rodríguez Enriquez – moderator.

Wednesday, March 13

Care systems and social protection models: impacts on women’s rights and women’s autonomy

8:15 – 9:30 AM | UNHQ, Room 11

Government of Uruguay, Federation of Cuban Women, UNWOMEN, DAWN and Femnet

A space to debate on care systems and social protection models putting emphasis in the current situation and the possibilities

of transforming the social organization of care through the promotion of national care systems.

Shifting the Narrative: Financing Women’s Rights through Tax Justice

12:30 PM | Church Center of the United Nations, 10 th Floor

Global Alliance for Tax Justice

DAWN speaker: Corina Rodríguez Enriquez

Making the economy work for women: Rights and realities

6:15 – 7:45 PM | UNHQ, Conference Room D

Womankind, AWID, FEMNET, PSI and IDWA

DAWN speaker: Corina Rodríguez Enriquez

Step it Up! Most Left Behind Adolescent Girls – Turning the Tide on HIV & SRHR for All by 2030

6:30 – 7:45 PM | UNHQ, Conference Room 1


DAWN speaker: Gita Sen

Friday, March 15

Taxing for Gender Equality: Evaluating Gender Effects of Tax Laws

2:30 PM | Church Center of the United Nations, 8 th Floor

Feminist Legal Studies Queen’s, Faculty of Law, Queen’s University and the Tax Justice Network

DAWN speaker: Corina Rodríguez Enriquez

Interactive expert panel on the priority theme: “Harnessing synergies and securing financing”

3:00 – 6:00 PM | UNHQ – Conference Room 4, General Assembly Building

DAWN speaker: Gita Sen.